Trigger automated campaigns

Triggering an automated campaign with Tango Targeting SDK is straightforward. All you have to do is to use the trigger associated with the campaign and make the call below wherever you think is appropriate in your code.


The result of the call is an int describing the result of the trigger call. If you want to do different things depending on the result, transform the code above like this:

int triggerResult = TangoAutomation.trigger("your-campaign-trigger");

    case TangoAutomation.CAMPAIGN_NOT_STARTED:
        // do stuff if the campaign has not started yet
    case TangoAutomation.CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUND:
        // maybe the device is not yet synchronized with the latest campaigns or
        // maybe the tag you provided is wrong 
    case TangoAutomation.CAMPAIGN_HAS_ENDED:
        // do stuff if the campaign has ended
    case TangoAutomation.CAMPAIGN_TRIGGERED:
        // do stuff if the campaign triggered


TangoAutomation.trigger(String) must be explicitly called for retries. Meaning, if the campaign starts tomorrow but you called it today, your app is responsible for calling it again tomorrow.